
Textile recycling. New perspective for the cotton you'll never use back again

August 7, 2019
2 min read
Textile recycling. New perspective for the cotton you'll never use back again

Everything changes, nothing remains and in our lifes, the only that remains constant is change. Paraphrasing Heraclitus, we launch ALMA GREEN Design’s blog where you’ll find posts about textile recycling and new perspectives for the cotton you’ll never use back again. And even more, we’ll explain you our way to rethink fashion and transform it into a healthy and relaxing resource.

In this first post, we focus on textile recycling as one of the main strains of ALMA GREEN Desing, our sustainable fashion brand for bedlinen. After many years of experience leading projects on the textile sector where the production rythm was too high, we observed the huge amount of  textile waste that was accumulating in the factories and garbage dumps into nature.

Our passion for fibers, nature and design, took us to lead a project to rethink fashion industry from the cradle of thread production. Actually, only the 20% of textiles are recycled and just 1% of textile clothing is recovered to produce new clothes or garments. We were willing to revert these data and applying ecodesign, we planned to create a sustainable product from scratch applying circular economy’s principles all along the production process.

Cotton, the important player in the sector

That’s how we got with the key point. Cotton is an easily recyclable fiber. We did research, tried out infinite times and finally we found the perfect mix of recycled cotton and virgin organic cotton, to create the thread of our collections. The final result is a fiber cotton with various colours, which we achieved without using dyes. These fibers of recycled cotton determine the color of each thread, and so being really authentic.

As we bet for the Circular Economy, we want to close the circle of our garments, and this is how we give you the chance to send us your old bed clothing, to reintroduce them back again into the production circle again and avoid wasting these fibers, as well as generate unnecessary waste.

Textile recycling process it’s actually in an embrionary phase, and it still needs lots of research and new technology development. And after a long time searching, asking questions and traveling, we find out the best partners in Spain, to develop our products.

We needed our partners close to us to reduce the ecologic footprint and ensure a good traceability of our collections. We are proud to tell you that we are the first spanish bedding brand based on circular economy and recycled textile, manufactured with the most sustainable fibers in the world according to the Higg index.